March 21, 2009

Parlais-vouz francais?

After 14 long years, years, I finally returned to visit gay Paris again! My dear BF had a business trip planned and asked me to join him. After all, it was going to be Valentine's Day. What could be more romantic? Most days he spent in meetings while I toured and shopped the city streets of Versailles. We stayed right around the corner from the beautiful Chateax de Versailles where King Loius XIV once resided. What an amazing place covered with gold. The day I decided to visit the gardens, it snowed!

On Valentine's Day there was a stunningly colorful sidewalk craft fair offering everything from flowers to body products to my favorite 'vin chaud'! How could I pass on a cup of spicy hot wine? After dinner we hopped on a train and dashed off to the Eiffel Tower. It was getting late and unfortunately the upper most level was closed. But the mid level was still mighty high! And cold, but well worth it! Next time I will have to go back when it is warmer.

We also visited the Arc de Triumphe and Champs E'lysee, the Sacre Ceour at Monmartre, and the Louvre Museum.

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